Breaking News: WCIRB Releases New Class Code for Telecommuter Employees

by | Sep 10, 2020 | Business, Employee Benefits

The California Workers’ Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau (WCIRB) has recently decided to add a NEW employee classification code to reflect the realities of the new work environment, which has seen accelerated growth in remote work brought on by the pandemic.

The WCIRB has released the new class code 8871 (Clerical Telecommuter Employees – N.O.C.) for employees that work from home or “away from any location of their employer,” doing office clerical work. This code is available on policies effective January 1st, 2021 or later. It will not be added mid-term, but as policies renew for those that have the 8810 (Office Clerical) code.

Although new to California, a similar code has existed under other State’s NCCI program.  The WCIRB has explained that it is to be used for employees which would have been classified under class code 8810, Office Clerical employees, that are doing work at home 50% or more of the time.  This code will be added automatically for those that have the 8810 code. Employers will not be able to move employees in and out of 8810 and 8871 throughout a policy year.  In many, but not all States that use Classification 8871, it is a lower rate than 8810, however we have yet to see how it will play out in California.  The addition of the code will allow the WCIRB to track claims related to telecommuting employees for future rate recommendations.


New Classification

Classification Established: 8871, Clerical Telecommuter Employees – N.O.C.

Purpose: Standard Exception classification that applies to Clerical Office Employees who work more than 50 percent of their time at their home or other office space away from any location of their employer.

Clerical Telecommuter Employees are included in, and excluded from, the same classifications that include or exclude Clerical Office Employees.

Please take a moment to view a 6 minute video from the WCIRB explaining the new code!

Click Here to Watch the Video!

For questions or information about this article

Contact Jeff Ramirez
Phone: (818) 295-2241
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