Emergency Cal-OSHA Regulations Effective Immediately!

by | Dec 7, 2020 | Business, Employee Benefits, Events


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Please join us on Wednesday, Dec 16, 2020 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM (PST) for an emergency webinar, entitled, “Emergency Cal-OSHA Regulations Effective Immediately!”

Effective 11/30/2020: Cal-OSHA implemented emergency regulations regarding COVID-19 and how to prevent the spread of the disease. This includes investigating a COVID-19 case, providing notices to certain employees, implementing a written prevention plan, testing after a workplace case, making certain disclosures and notices to 3rd parties and health departments in the event of an outbreak, and some training requirements.

Additionally, there is a new paid time off requirement where employees who cannot work due to an isolation, quarantine mandate, or a positive test, must continue to be paid their regular wages.

In order to assist you with these requirements, we have returning speaker Nicole Golob, who will help you get ready to comply with this and other laws that are effective now and January 1.

About Our Speaker

Nicole Golob is a partner at Fisher Phillips and an employment attorney with over 23 years experience. She regularly provides advice and counsel to management on all employment issues and conducts seminars and training for in-house counsel, risk managers, human resources managers, and other personnel administrators on a variety of employment related issues with an eye towards litigation prevention.

She handles all aspects of employment defense litigation on behalf of employers and management, including claims for wage and hour violations under state and federal law, harassment, discrimination, retaliation, wrongful termination, breach of contract, defamation, fraud and unfair business practices.

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Please contact Sarah Prince via email with questions or if you require additional information.

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