by United Agencies | Oct 13, 2020 | Auto & Home
Wildfire Preparedness Info & Checklist: Keeping Your Home Safe As most everyone is aware, wildfires are spreading across California and the west at an astonishing rate, leaving thousands of scorched homes and businesses in their wake. Flying embers from wildfires...
by United Agencies | Sep 30, 2019 | Auto & Home
Many people are not truly aware of the dangers of distracted driving today. This article sheds light and offers some startling statistics that may surprise and even shock you. Approximately 10 people are killed and more than 1,000 injured in crashes that are reported...
by United Agencies | Jul 1, 2019 | Auto & Home
Traffic Cameras Pro & Con For a number of years, traffic stop law enforcement, in the form of photo enforcement, has been at the center of a heated national debate, and it has nearly everyone “seeing red” over the matter. More than 500 communities in...
by United Agencies | Feb 6, 2019 | Auto & Home
This month, California joined about a half-dozen states in banning the use of a person’s gender when assessing risk factors for car insurance, a change that could potentially alter rates for scores of drivers across the state. California, one of the country’s most...