5 Top Emergency Resources to Help Keep California Residents Safe

by | Jan 26, 2023 | Auto & Home

As California residents, we are all aware of the environmental challenges our state is facing. Drought and wildfires have plagued us for years, and now we are confronted with the serious issue of flash flooding, which caught many residents off guard.

Today, floods and debris flows are a realistic threat to the west coast. Homes and communities located within or along wildlands or wooded areas, (specifically areas that have experienced recent wildfires) are most vulnerable to flooding and landslides.

It is crucial to create a safety plan and prepare for today’s weather threats. The key is to prevent (reduce) loss of life and property, and to develop community resilience. Therefore, we have created a list of the top 5 emergency resources you will find helpful:

  • Ready.Gov:  The Ready website is a huge online resource addressing nearly every emergency service you can think of. They offer comprehensive information and details that can help you with prevention, and tips to help walk you through an actual emergency. They also offer a “Ready Kids”  center offering education, games, planning and more.
  • FEMA: The Federal Emergency Management Agency employs more than 20,000 people nationwide. Headquartered in Washington, D.C., they have 10 regional offices located across the country. Be sure to check out their California Severe Winter Storms, Flooding and Mudslides page for regular updates and information.
  • Water.CA.Gov: This invaluable resource offers everything you need to know about water in California. Topics include groundwater information, flood risks and preparedness, water watch alerts, and more.

We hope you will take a moment to review these invaluable website resources and be sure to add them to your bookmarks, favorites and mobile devices for future reference. If you have any questions feel free to Contact us for assistance.

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